Discipleship Foundations Series

Step 5: Multiplication - English

The goal of Discipleship is to become fruitful, multiplying Leaders, to advance the Kingdom of God. Jesus was quite determined in his message to the disciples when He spoke to them about fruitfulness in John chapter 15.

John 15:8 (NIV) 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 

John 15:16 (NIV) 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit —fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.

It seems from this message that Jesus directly connects our ability to bear fruit with calling ourselves His followers. One of the greatest expressions of giving glory to our Heavenly Father is by bearing lasting fruit. 

All our learning, assimilating of values, developing skills, and refining our character through well established disciplines means little if it does not produce lasting fruit. 

Our goal is to set up goal posts to keep us focused on the real goals: Lasting Fruit. The litmus test of true discipleship is souls that follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The reality check for all our efforts is whether those we pursue have been born again and are on a trajectory of learning: being taught to obey everything Jesus taught us.

How do we accomplish this? 

In the following lessons we will explore a few goal posts to keep us focused and on track to do what we set out to do to fulfill the great Commission we received from the Lord.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session One: Introduction to Step Five - Multiplication

    • Introduction to Step Five - Multiplication

    • Multiplication

  • 2

    Session Two: Visions and Dreams

    • Introduction to Visions and Dreams

    • Visions and Dreams

  • 3

    Session Three: Godly Goals

    • Introduction to Godly Goals

    • Set Godly Goals

  • 4

    Session Four: Character Development

    • Introduction to Character Development

    • Character Development

  • 5

    Session 5: Gift Development

    • Introduction to Gift Development

    • Gift Development

  • 6

    Session Six: Fruitfulness

    • Introduction to Fruitfulness

    • Fruitfulness

  • 7

    Session Seven: Relationships

    • Introduction to Relationships

    • Family & Children

    • Friends & Bad Company

    • What Will Make My Relationships More Blessed and Prosperous?

  • 8

    Session Eight: The Power of Encouragement

    • Introduction to The Power of Encouragement

    • The Power of Encouragement

  • 9

    Session Nine: Finances

    • Introduction to Finances

    • Finances

  • 10

    Session Ten: Dealing with Setbacks

    • Introduction to Dealing with Setbacks

    • Preparing Ourselves by Observing Biblical Examples

    • The Many Challenges We May Face

    • How Do We Deal With These Challenges?

  • 11

    Session Eleven: Eternal Rewards

    • Introduction to Eternal Rewards

    • Making Disciples Is Building with Gold, Silver and Costly Stones

    • Pray For Your Disciples