Discipleship Foundations Series

Step 3: Salvation - English

God saved us to serve. To serve the purpose of God well, we need to be appropriately equipped. The way God equips His people is by giving them Gifts and Abilities, and we call these Spiritual Gifts. Knowing and Understanding Spiritual Gifts and how God uses these in and through our lives, empowers us to minister more effectively to the Building up of the Body of Christ

Step Three is about Developing our Gifts and Skills to fulfill the great purpose God has for our lives.

Through the five steps of the Discipleship Foundation Series, we are doing just that: We equip you to fulfill that purpose of God. During Step 3 we will complete 5 weekends encounters together. In each of these weekends we will learn and discover some of the gifts and skills God gave each one of us and then learn to develop and use these gifts and skills.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Weekend One: Session One - Spiritual Gifts

    • Introduction to Session One - Spiritual Gifts

    • What is a Spiritual Gift?, The Nature of Spiritual Gifts & Biblical Teachings on Spiritual Gifts

    • Historical Re-Emergence of the Holy Spirit & The Three Parts of Spiritual Gifts

  • 2

    Weekend One: Session Two - The Ministerial Gifts

    • Introduction to Session Two - The Ministerial Gifts

    • The Fivefold Ministry

    • Apostle

    • Prophet

    • Evangelist

    • Pastor

    • Teacher

    • What is the Purpose of the Fivefold Ministry Gifts?

  • 3

    Weekend One: Session Three - The Service Gifts

    • Introduction to Session Three - The Service Gifts

    • Prophecy

    • Serving

    • Teaching

    • Exhortation

    • Giving

    • Leading (Ruling in KJV)

    • Showing Mercy

  • 4

    Weekend One: Session Four - The Supernatural Gifts

    • Introduction to Session Four - The Supernatural Gifts

    • The Nine Spiritual Gifts

    • Word of Wisdom

    • Word of Knowledge

    • Faith

    • Gifts of Healings

    • Working of Miracles

    • Prophecy & Discerning of Spirits

    • Different Kinds of Tongues

    • Interpretation of Tongues

  • 5

    Weekend One: Session Five - Discovering your Spiritual Gifts

    • Introduction to Session Five - Discovering your Spiritual Gifts

    • Before You Start

    • Completing and Scoring Questionnaire

    • Post Questionnaire Discussion

  • 6

    Weekend Two: Session One - Introduction to the Bible

    • Weekend Two Overview

    • Introduction to Session One - Introduction to the Bible

    • Survey of the Bible & How We Can Benefit Most From the Bible

    • The Authority of the Bible

    • Translations of the Bible

  • 7

    Weekend Two: Session Two - Making the Most of the Word

    • Introduction to Session Two - Making the Most of the Word

    • How to Make the Most of Your Time in the Word

    • Practical Ways to Start

  • 8

    Weekend Three: Session One - Introduction to Sharing Our Faith

    • Introduction to Session One - Introduction to Sharing Our Faith

    • Witnessing

    • Biblical Teachings on Sharing Our Faith

  • 9

    Weekend Three: Session Two - Sharing our Faith

    • Introduction to Session Two - Sharing our Faith

    • How Can We Share Our Faith in a Practical Way?

    • The Gospel

  • 10

    Weekend Three: Session Three - The Practical Gospel Message

    • Introduction to Session Three - The Practical Gospel Message

    • The Practical Gospel Message

  • 11

    Weekend Four: Session One - Overcoming Weekend Encounter

    • Weekend Four Overview

    • Introduction to Session One - Overcoming Weekend Encounter

  • 12

    Weekend Four: Session Two - Cares of the World

    • Introduction to Session Two - Cares of the World

    • Cares of the World

    • Deceitfulness of Riches

    • Pride

  • 13

    Weekend Four: Session Three - Fear and Unbelief

    • Introduction to Session Three - Fear and Unbelief

    • Fear & Unbelief

    • Hagar

    • Isaac

    • Moses

    • Moses (continued) & Joshua

    • David

    • The Widow of Zarephath

    • Isaiah

    • Elisha

    • How Do We Overcome Fear?

  • 14

    Weekend Four: Session Four - Dealing with Unforgiveness

    • Introduction to Session Four - Dealing with Unforgiveness

    • Dealing With Unforgiveness

    • Jesus Taught on Forgiveness

    • Defining Forgiveness

    • The Biblical Requirements for Forgiveness

    • We Need to Forgive Because We Have Been Forgiven

    • The Principles of Forgiveness

    • Biblical Examples of People Who Forgave Their Trespassers

    • How Do We Deal with Unforgiveness?

  • 15

    Weekend Four: Session Five - Dealing with Lust of the Flesh and Lust of the Eyes

    • Introduction to Session Five - Dealing with Lust of the Flesh and Lust of the Eyes

    • Dealing with Lust

    • How Do We Crucify Lust?

  • 16

    Weekend Four: Session Six - Faith and Obedience

    • Introduction to Session Six - Faith and Obedience

    • Faith and Obedience

    • Faith to Obey

    • How Will We See the Good Promises of God Fulfilled in Our Lives?

  • 17

    Weekend Five: Session One - Shepherd Leader Weekend Encounter

    • Introduction to Session One - Shepherd Leader Weekend Encounter

    • Shepherd Leader Weekend Encounter Summary

  • 18

    Weekend Five: Session Two - The Biblical Shepherd

    • Introduction to Session Two - The Biblical Shepherd

    • The Hallmarks of a Biblical Shepherd (A)

    • The Hallmarks of a Biblical Shepherd (B)

  • 19

    Weekend Five: Session Three - The Heart of the Shepherd

    • Introduction to Session Three - The Heart of the Shepherd

    • The Self-Sacrificing Heart

    • The Willing Heart

    • A Caring Heart

    • Shepherds Know the Hearts of Their Sheep

    • Shepherds Are Committed to Lead

    • How Can We Have A True Shepherds Heart?

  • 20

    Weekend Five: Session Four - The Purpose of a Shepherd

    • Introduction to Session Four - The Purpose of a Shepherd

    • The Purpose of a Shepherd

    • How Do We Encourage and Build Each Other Up?

    • What Does It Mean To Watch?

    • Shepherds Keep Their Sheep Together

    • How Do We Teach Our Sheep?

  • 21

    Weekend Five: Session Five - Developing Deep and Meaningful Relationships

    • Introduction to Session Five - Developing Deep and Meaningful Relationships

    • Developing Deep and Meaningful Relationships

    • The Johari Window

    • The Five Levels of Deepening Relationships

    • The Cycle of Developing Relationships

  • 22

    Weekend Five: Session Six - Practical Keys

    • Introduction to Session Six - Practical Keys

    • Practical Keys

    • Welcome

    • Worship

    • Ministry

    • Word

    • Witness

    • Mission

    • Conclusion

  • 23

    Weekend Five: Session Seven - Practical Application

    • Introduction to Session Seven - Practical Application

    • Practical Application

    • The Equipping Process

    • Listening Skills

    • Communication Skills

    • The Life Cycles of a Group

  • 24

    Weekend Five: Session Eight - Consecration Session

    • Introduction to Session Eight - Consecration Session

    • Consecration Session

    • Consecration Prayer